Don’t Forget To Vote, Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2016
The Correctional Officers Association of Delaware, Union Officer Elections, will take place on Tuesday, February 2, 2016. Polling stations for state-wide and local positions will be located at the following institutions: HRYCI, BWCI, JTVCC, SCI and at the COAD Union Hall. Please ensure you have your Department issued ID and voting card (if applicable). Only COAD FULL SHARE MEMBERS will be allowed to vote. Members must vote at their assigned institutions, except for Level-IV and STRO/C&T.
Polling Locations and Times:
HRYCI: 0600-1000 and 1400-1800
BWCI: 0600-1000 and 1400-1800
SCI : 0600-1000 and 1400-1800
COAD Union Hall: 0600-1000 and 1400-1800
JTVCC: 0600-1800
Court and Transportation/STRO will vote at their nearest institution and must have their voting card.
SVOP/SCCC will vote at SCI.
MCCC will vote at the COAD Union Hall.
Hazel D. Plant will vote at BWCI.
All remaining NC-4 will vote at HRYCI.
All Maintenance will vote at their assigned facility.